SKS is on the move! At Wall Drug, she and Shawn bought iced cake donuts and a few postcards. She sent me this postcard because they enjoyed seeing the signs on the way.

I like its pinked edges. Very unusual in a postcard.
I’ve not been to Wall Drug. My parents and brother went after they dropped me off at college, but I missed out.
Someday, I’m going to do some exploring along the northern border. It can be part of my Laura Ingalls Wilder tour.
What!?!?! I didn’t comment on this already?!?!
But now I shall! Hello past July selves. What a difference many months makes. Woo! We survived that move (not unscathed – but survived) and have found ways to thrive here (also not unscathed – but thrived).
It is a fun postcard – the texture – if I recall was a little more sturdy in nature, too. Some day Wall Drug will come into your life some day!