Bulk food! We can still use the bins that dispense, but they’ve cleared out the bins where we dig for things. Also, they’ve shut down the bulk spices which is a big deal in my world. The WinCo bulk spices section gets a lot of use by me.

Fred Meyer doesn’t want people sitting on their display couches. I suspect they’ve never liked people sitting on their display couches and this provided a convenient excuse.

Whoever owns Plexiglas must be making a fortune right now. Here we have barriers at all check stands at Fred Meyer. Also, in the background, one of my favorite checkers.

Why doesn’t that woman have a mask on?
It was because it was early April. I hadn’t even sewn masks at that point.
Not only are the cashiers wearing masks now, they also have a plexiglass barrier behind them too!
This is an excellent capturing of our current reality. Hopefully historians will appreciate this as an artifact!
Also – masks!