Requiem: Nightstand

I grabbed this dresser from the free pile in the basement of the Rosefriend Apartments. (That building was demolished in the mid-aughts.) It’s been my bedside dresser ever since.

I’ve always liked it. It’s solid wood (though with that flimsier wood-like substance furniture manufacturers used for the bottoms of drawers for a period of time.)

I like that it’s just the right size, has both a drawer and openings to store things. And I like that little bit of embellishment at the bottom.

I’ve thought, several times over the years, about refinishing it or painting it, but it never made it to the list of things to do. So it continued on doing its job of holding my bedside lamp, books and other sundry things.

Now it will go to find a new home. I hope they enjoy this little nightstand as much as I have for almost 20 years.

2 thoughts on “Requiem: Nightstand”

  1. I love the story of how you snagged this long-term bedside helpmate! Was there a reason for this change? Is something new coming in its place?

    Also very well done for a free to you but very solid bit of furniture.

    1. I had to do a switcheroo due to my office chair being bigger than my Ikea folding chair. I still miss this nightstand, but what can you do?

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