Quality bike parking at the EMSWCD

I went to pick up the native plants I ordered from the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District and I found this hearty and well-covered structure.

Way to do it right, EMSWCD. I forgive you for interviewing me twice and then never officially telling me I didn’t get the job. I didn’t get it right? Because if I did, I’m 12 years late.

2 thoughts on “Quality bike parking at the EMSWCD”

  1. It is very grand!

    This thing of not sending a hey we hired someone else is just so rude. It is not that hard. Come on people. I am still waiting on a pile of no responses.

    1. Especially after TWO interviews. I had to do a lot of lying about Dr. appointments (which fooled no one) and borrowing cars to get to them.

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