Here you can see how I used an improper marking pen on a previous project and stained my tailor’s ham. Here you can also see that the tailor’s ham comes in handy (or ham-dy?) for pressing this dress.
Here you can see the facings flipping out on the arm holes, completely ruining the effect of the cool sleeves. I’ll show them what’s what, just you wait.

At this point, aside from facing wrangling, I just need to get Julie to mark the hem and then sew the hem and then I’m done. Ahead of schedule, even.
At this point, aside from facing wrangling, I just need to get Julie to mark the hem and then sew the hem and then I’m done. Ahead of schedule, even.
Ahead of schedule is so nice. Tailor's ham makes me laugh. Not sure why as the reason for the name is obvious. I just find it a little LOL!