Postcards from Netherlands and Texas

Hans writes from Utrecht that “I love our Royal House.”  He also told me that they got a new king and queen this year, which I knew because of an earlier postcard from the Netherlands and because I read it in the paper.  I would be excited about a new king (or queen) too!

Preston writes from Canyon, which is apparently a small city in the Texas Panhandle.  He tells me that Canyon is where West Texas A&M University is.   I’m also interested in Preston’s card because he sent it with a 33-cent stamp.  It occurs to me that it has been a few years since 33-cents paid for a first-class letter.  I remember the stamps he sent, though.  It was the series of early US flags.

It’s been a dry month for Postcrossing postcards.  I’m glad these two came in the mail.

3 thoughts on “Postcards from Netherlands and Texas”

  1. Weird, I haven't received any postcards for weeks, and all the ones I've sent haven't been received even though they went out weeks ago. I wonder why? Do they give up on international postcards during the holiday season? Oh well. Don't suppose I'll be doing much of Postcrossing until after our move.

    I love the card of the royal family!

  2. For the longest time I had six out. I think two of them were to Belarus/Russia and China. Those ones take forever to arrive. It makes me thankful for our speedy postal service.

  3. There were lots of royal family options for postcards when we were in Scandinavia. I am not sure the same would be said about the president, unless in DC of course! Sorry it's been so dry.

    You will be happy to know that I have all of the trip and all of September processed and ready to edit on blogger!

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