Postcards from Minneapolis

A certain regular commenter is reorganizing her library and coming across promotional postcards for books, which she then sends to me.  I’m not sure if she knew that Deborah Hopkinson is a local author and (I think) pretty active in SCBWI, the organization that held the conference I just attended. IMG_3395

She remarks on this postcard, that she’s often not heard of the books she has postcards of. Little does she know that this book is written by Darcy Pattison, whose book Novel Metamorphosis I am using to revise my current work in progress. IMG_3397

3 thoughts on “Postcards from Minneapolis”

  1. It was fun to get these back! 🙂 Truly I loved reading this post and seeing the connections between these left behind goodies and what you have been up to. It’s a little crazy!

  2. So in love with the Oliver postcard. How fun that you actually had a connection to each of these cards! Sara’s postcard-sending ability is making me feel lazy. I should get something in the mail.

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