Postcards from Florida and Indiana

This postcard is from Sara, she of the regular comments. Sara was visiting her mother in Florida and sent me this card while they were driving to St. Augustine.  She further told me that they were driving on the A1A “which I first heard of from Mr. Vanilla Ice!”  Good to know.  And I don’t catch the reference. (Sara and I, though we have shared friendship since high school, did not share music preferences during high school.)


This postcard of stacks and stacks of books is form Claire in Elkhart Indiana and tells me, among other things, that she is 76 years old and has 10 children, one of who is adopted and just turned 20!


(I’m beginning to reap my Postcrossing due diligence during winter break.  I’m hoping I can keep it up.)

One thought on “Postcards from Florida and Indiana”

  1. Oh, I like that book one. That looks like a place after my own heart. I’m so amazed that Claire adopted a child at 56 – or perhaps even older if she didn’t adopt the child as a baby! What a cool person.

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