Here’s 1 of 3! It just took its time getting here. Apparently there was a fourth postcard in the set, but regular commenter Sara kept it because the quote was “I cannot live without books.”
I don’t blame her. Me neither.
2 thoughts on “Postcard from Virgina”
Ah, there you are!!! I thought this was the best of the quotes for you! 🙂 He looks a little worse for the trip! Yes, I figured that I needed one of the VA FFs to be an inspiration on my wall in my home office. It was always on the wall in my latest classroom. 🙂
Ah, there you are!!! I thought this was the best of the quotes for you! 🙂 He looks a little worse for the trip! Yes, I figured that I needed one of the VA FFs to be an inspiration on my wall in my home office. It was always on the wall in my latest classroom. 🙂
Yay! It finally came! I have to admit that I don't really get the quote. Gardening makes you young?