People Places Things is a Winner

Aundrea Gadsby, Jemaine Clement and Gia Gadsby in People Places Things

People Places Things

Directed by Jim Strouse
Written by Jim Strouse

The review:

Aside from one aspect of this film,* this story of Will Henry (Jemaine Clement) trying to move on after a divorce while still being a good dad, teacher, and artist is an amusing and heartfelt way to spend your movie-watching time. That it also includes the impeccable Regina Hall plus the charismatic Jessica Williams** makes it even more of a treat. You know you’ve been missing those low-key funny lines expertly delivered by Clement, so look this up today.***

The verdict: Good

Cost: Free via Kanopy, the Multnomah County Library’s streaming service.
Where watched: at home

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Further sentences:

*That aspect is that Stephanie Allynne’s character (the ex-wife) is a really terrible person in that self-absorbed way that had me worried that this film was director Jim Strouse’s way to work through his anger at his ex-wife for their divorce. Is Jim Strouse divorced? I have no idea, but it sure felt that way to me. And that his divorce didn’t go well. [Update: Jim Strouse is divorced.]
**Strouse also wrote and directed the other film I’ve seen Jessica Williams in: the Incredible Jessica James.
***The other thing this movie does well is capture dynamics in a college classroom. If you’ve spent any time in one those scenes will feel very familiar.


  • What’s the key to a good divorce, especially one where you have children in common?
  • Not-great child actors, still fun?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

No good trivia. Instead, this quote from an article (that is full of spoilers) about the film:
“I [don’t] want to ever imply that love is the path to redemption or salvation,” Strouse says. “The story is about him figuring out how to be alone and move on from the past while still respecting it. From my point of view, that’s not through falling in love with another person, it’s through learning how to be alone.”

Other reviews of People, Places, Things:

Orange background with a white frame. Text: Those are just things I painstakingly drew out of anger. —People Places Things. Read the three sentence movie review

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