Now, let’s not be naive. This is not a 5 minutes active-type meal.

I’m not sure when they start the timer on the “5 minutes active” portion of this recipe.  Chopping the onion, garlic, carrot and celery take far longer than that.  I would estimate 25 minutes of active time, and that’s with me buying bulk sausage, and not having to remove the casings.

It was a good soup though.

4 thoughts on “Now, let’s not be naive. This is not a 5 minutes active-type meal.”

  1. Every recipe I see does that. They always way underestimate prep time. Either they all have chef-level chopping skills, or they all use a slap chop or something. Even though I’m a much more prolific cook than I used to be, I’m still pretty slow with the knife.

    1. It bugs me, because so many people are cooking-shy. I hope their inability to do an impossible task doesn’t move them further away from cooking.

  2. Is there an assumption that you have a sous chef doing prep work?!?!

    (This is another post that I seemed to have missed…MOOP).

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