New silverware

“Do we want my grandmother’s silverware?” Matt asked me via email query.
“Sure” was my reply.

The silverware has arrived.  Using only this picture, guess the year in which it was bought.  (Don’t read further until you have guessed.)

Look at this nice label in the box, announcing its Solid Stainless status.

And on the back of the informational card, Matt’s grandmother had written the date of purchase.

Did you guess 1965?  You are correct!

I’m pretty excited about this silverware.

6 thoughts on “New silverware”

  1. Unfortunately, I saw the answer before I got a chance to guess, but I think I might have guessed 1940s based on the style. Seems like a very nice set of silverware!

  2. I also saw the answer before I guessed. I was thinking 60’s but that’s easy to say now, isn’t it?!?! What a fun windfall! I love it.

  3. I will also note that today’s TO DO list (the first I’ve created in a while since I have been in deadline mode and returning from trip mode) has 45 allotted commenting minutes! Will that catch me up on the lost posts of December and November? Good question.

    I know Grammarian You is quite busy right now and may not see these/be able to respond right away! So enjoy the commentage when you get to it!

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