6 thoughts on “Mural Done”

  1. Oh, I finally see what the gray thing is. I couldn't figure out what it was before. I still think this mural sucks though. I have no idea what it's supposed to be about and the two pieces of it seem completely unrelated to one another.

  2. I think it's a Viking encountering a sea serpent. But it seems like an odd use for the space. Like they couldn't afford a full mural, so they bought this much. I'm curious of the story behind it. Back when the Oregonian was a real paper, someone might have written a story about it.

  3. I found out by looking online that it was part of the "Forrest for the trees NW" mural project. And this one was actually done by the artist that organized the project. this could be a really cool walking tour to do…

  4. See how handy it is when someone else does the work for me. Excellent searching Heather. The website has a nice map of all the murals and brief author bios on each artist. Here is the one for Gage Hamilton, who did this mural: http://www.forestforthetreesnw.com/artists/gage-hamilton/

    And, despite my complaining that the Oregonian didn't cover this, there was an article:http://www.oregonlive.com/multimedia/index.ssf/2014/08/forest_for_the_trees_nw_brings.html

  5. I still get a creepy spider legs vibe from that top bit. The owl looks like something out of that old Hercules movie (?) or was it Jason and the Argonauts? One of those.

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