More details of Fort Leavenworth.

I had one last postcard to mail, so I took a short walk to the mailbox.  On the way I read about the Mormon Battallion at Fort Leavenworth.  Then I laughed to see who had placed the sign.
It’s hard to go just one place on the fort, there are so many things to see.  I took a detour to this statue of Grant, which I attempted to capture from a non-traditional angle. 
I liked the many different patterns on the informational part of the plaque.

A nostrils view of Grant.

With the advent of digital photography, I often take photos to remind me what I’ve photographed.  Who was this guy again?  Oh yes, Grant.

More view of the first wall.

The sign in front of Heather and Patrick’s house.

Such a pretty house.

Nice star detail on the old DB.

2 thoughts on “More details of Fort Leavenworth.”

  1. Well, that statue of Grant appears to be of him in his svelter years. I'm not sure I would have recognized him without the nameplate either. 😉

  2. Moth and lady bug? Extra bonus to the cool font. Oh how I love those DB stars! I wonder if I could have them added to the top of our house.

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