Moneta Work Uniforms. Tricks

Oh, Wonder Tape. I love you so.  My days of fabric slipping around when I try to hem are over!  I used Wonder Tape on all hems in this project: neck, sleeves, skirt.  It’s one of those supplies I might have eschewed back in the day (why do you need this when you can use pins and do without it) but now that I’m an old, jaded sewist, I’ll take anything that makes some regular task easier.

3 thoughts on “Moneta Work Uniforms. Tricks”

  1. I think this answers the question I had on your last post about tricks. I'm glad to hear it's helping. So is it a replacement for pins? I think I'd much rather use this than pins.

  2. It is indeed a replacement for pins. It's double sided tape that washes out. Kind of magical. Or a wonder, as it were.

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