Minnesota State Fair: Sky Glider

Having taken the Fairlift at the Oregon State Fair, I was ready for the Sky Glider at this Fair.

The line was long, so I had time to take pictures of Sky Glider riders.

This was also next to one of three Giant Sing Alongs, where you could group karaoke.

The line I waited in. 

RVs and Fifth Wheels for sale, plus the Space Tower and Great Big Wheel in the background.

Various tractors for kids.

We passed over a few roofs, and I was surprised to see a number of discarded bras.

The Great Big Wheel.  Yet another thing I couldn’t quite fit in.

The “feet” picture.

Me with the Great Big Wheel

Maybe you’re in the market for a new riding mower?

There was a rental space, where Molly & Bob had chosen to celebrate their 50th anniversary.  The other half of the rental space was a wedding!

Looking to buy some kids’ play equipment?  Lowest prices of the year.

So many people.

3 thoughts on “Minnesota State Fair: Sky Glider”

  1. That selfie is amazing!!!! I LOVE it! This ride is on our to do list for the fair that has not gotten accomplished yet. Hopefully next time, which may be our final fair.

  2. Oh, that’s a lovely juxtaposition: a wedding alongside a 50th wedding anniversary. I wonder if the new couple will stay together that long?

    My theory is that the discarded bras are like the tennis shoes you see thrown over power lines, like it became “a thing that one does” somewhere along the line.

    Your self with the Great Big Wheel is fantastic!

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