Hey look! I found the history museum at the fair. It was crammed full of pioneer stuff, and signs.
Like this sign that was made back before the computers would do the writing for you.
And what did I find at the museum? A post office. With super cool envelopes and a special fun stamp saying it was mailed from the Pioneer Log Cabin. And what did I do? I sat on a chair in the breezeway between the two cabins and wrote two letters, one to myself and one to Sara. It was fun to sit for a while, though the dumpster was right behind the log cabin and the breeze wasn’t running in my favor. But there was another plus…. (pause so you can take in all the colors of thread on display)
And the tools, like that tatting shuttle.
And this crazy quilt. When we looked at the quilts yesterday, there wasn’t a crazy quilt among them. They are not in fashion right now.
Here’s the other thing that was fun. This nice lady played the piano as I wrote. She played a lot of standards and Vaudville-era songs, plus some hymns. She would pause briefly at the end of the song to turn the page, and when she did, the other man in the room, a gentleman with a straw boater, would clap for her. It was a pleasant respite. And here’s the gentleman in the straw boater. I didn’t realize as I was writing my letter that he was making cut-paper animals. He gave them away to children when they passed by.
Outside the Ramberg Center, was this statue of a pioneer woman.
The Ramberg Center had rocking chairs, a four-piece a capella group singing songs from the 1950s and 60s and virtually no line for the bathroom. Win!
A total win! I have been by there before, but never quite ventured in to the space. Man was I missing out!
Oh and I loved getting my letter! Such a fun surprise!!!
The guy in the painting in the first picture, is he wearing a frilly collar or is that a neck beard?
The thread display is awesome!
Those older folks are great. I wonder if they were a couple, or if they at least knew one another.
It looks more frilly collar than neck beard, but frilly collar seems wrong for the time period. Hmmm.
The piano lady seemed to have a husband, napping in the breezeway where I was sitting. But I bet her and paper cutting guy knew each other through volunteering stuff.