The Eco Building had all sorts of fun stuff, like this tall, talking Paul Bunyan
He demonstrated not just recycling, but why it’s important to think before you buy.
Air hockey? Nope. It’s time to defend your storm drain.
Here’s an illustration of the water table.
And a bar that serves water. Speaking of, the Eco Building had water bottle refill stations and no line for the bathrooms.
If you wanted, you could pedal a bike and make this bigger bike go.
There was a display of a variety of different bikes used in Minnesota.
Outside the Eco Building, you could try your hand at log rolling. It looked pretty difficult.
These two participants fell off quickly. Here are the rules.
Oooh we missed that building this year. Dang! It was quite fun and educational.
Next year!!!
Shawn mentioned that it was something to see, so I made it a priority.
I like that they seem to have made helping the environment fun & educational.
I would fall off that log roll in a hot minute, as in, probably before it even started rolling.
I’ve noticed there is a log roll at the pool where I swim and I wonder why they have it? Is there a log rolling PE class at PSU?
I am also a person who would not last long on top of that log.