Minnesota State Fair Day One: Let’s visit the animals

These bunnies have a black stripe down their back.

We watched this goat contest long enough to see the winners.

The announcer said a lot of words into his microphone, but they weren’t very articulated words, so I caught pieces here and there.  (Acoustics might also have contributed to the problem.)

We were sitting in the bleachers, but many people stopped wandering and watched the contest.

Some post-contest chatting.

Grooming stations.

Cows! I was starting to lose the light and animals tend to be too twitchy for low-light situations.  Thank goodness these two were sleeping.

Past winners.

4 thoughts on “Minnesota State Fair Day One: Let’s visit the animals”

  1. That goat show was great fun. I love seeing at least one show each fair I attend.

    I also thought I was up to date on my commenting…I guess not. These posts have fallen off my reader.

  2. Those are some fine-looking goats! The lady facing the camera in the post-goat contest chatting photo looks like an older version of Kristen Bell.

    1. She does, rather.

      Speaking of Ms. Bell, have you seen the Good Place? I just finished season 1 last weekend. It was great!

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