Minnesota State Fair Day One. Getting there and Fine Arts

It’s fair time!  Sara and I walked to the U of M shuttle stop and waited. Then realized that we forgot to bring the tickets.  Then we waited for Shawn to appear with the tickets (the original plan was that he was going to join us later) only to eventually figure out that he took the city bus system, not the shuttle system.  It gave us time to observe the large amounts of people who take the shuttle to the fair. The buses come regularly.  Every five to 15 minutes.

Reunited with Shawn at the entrance!   Here’s a poorly taken self-portrait at the streetcar arch.  It was great Shawn and Sara bought tickets online before the fair started.  The line to buy tickets on-site was very, very long. Long lines come with the fair, so it was nice to skip that one.

The fair even has mapped out the best place for a self-portrait.

There were a lot of people there.  Apparently, it had rained the previous weekend, so THIS was the weekend to go.

How many people attended on this day?  254,431.  Yep. Bigger than my hometown of Boise, Idaho.

Shawn navigated us through the crowds and we took in the fine art at the fine arts building. I “bought” Sara a lot of things.  There was a really cool Rube Goldberg machine that was not for sale.  Which was too bad, because interest was high among the fair-goers.  It probably would have gone for a good price.

This volunteer kept an eye on us, and was ready to help.  Notice the stack of pencils to his left.

3 thoughts on “Minnesota State Fair Day One. Getting there and Fine Arts”

  1. I always love visiting the art building. It’s funny to think that there were more people at the fair today than in our birth town. Bananas!

  2. Oh gosh, getting there was a comedy of errors. I’m glad you finally made it! I know you love the fair but I have to say that it sounds like my worst nightmare. 250K! Yowza.

    I really like your off-kilter selfie.

    1. Funny you should mention the off-kilter selfie. Sara (the one cut off) commented the other day about her not-full presence in that photo. I hadn’t actually noticed she was cut off. I think my brain filled in the rest of her because I like that picture a lot.

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