Minneopa Falls

After a lackluster lunch at a mostly-empty restaurant where a patron constantly eavesdropped on our conversation (which we texted back and forth about so she couldn’t hear us discussing her) Sara and I headed to Minneopa State Park.  The waterfall was mentioned in Carney’s House Party, one of the Deep Valley novels and it sounded pretty, so I put it on the list.IMG_4177

After paying our fee (the poor park ranger in the visitor’s station was frustrated at the people who kept driving in and not paying their fee.  He was waiting for his compatriot to return from town so he could go down and write tickets for all the shirkers) we parked and headed toward the falls. Unfortunately, a woman with a camera was a bit in front of us and staked out the best place to take pictures of the upper falls.  She then took 4000 pictures.  We waited.  Not very patiently.


Multiple self-portraits ensued.




We took pictures not exactly from the angle we wanted.


We took timer photos.


We took pictures of the lower falls from above.  And still she was clicking away.  We gave up and moved on.


This talks about the water quality of the falls depending on what’s going on.  Because of the big rain two nights before, we had a bit of mud happening.


Lower falls and bridge.


We walked down to the lower level and then back up.  This kind of rock is easily to scratch into.  This means that the falls are always moving as the rock are worn away by the water.


Back for another look at the upper falls.


The lady had finally finished her in-depth photo session.  Here’s the shot!


Creek running into falls.


3 thoughts on “Minneopa Falls”

  1. Wow, how rude of her to take the best spot and then basically camp out in it! Some people have no respect for others. Glad you still got a nice shot though. The picture with the bridge sort of reminds me of Multnomah Falls.

  2. The falls were lovely, if not a little hard to find, but lovely. We should have had even more salacious conversations for that women, our chatter was relatively benign! It was a time when texting at the table was pretty acceptable.

    Oh my goodness, that persnickety fussy face of mine. Seriously!

    Poor Shawn gets to experience that one often. Perhaps our childlessness is better for my non-existent kids’ sake – that face would want to make them scratch my eyes out!

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