Laurel finished. And my eye is already on other projects.

This picture makes me think I’m a midgit.  But it’s just a weird hanging height.  I’ll take some pictures wearing said Laurels later.  I can’t believe it took me almost a year to finish this project.  Too many things going on.  But let me say, these dresses are COMFORTABLE!  I really like them a lot, though their length means I have to squat like a lady while at work.

But yeah.  The projects have stacked up.  In addition to materials bought to make another apron (I kind of want to do a new one every summer) I also succumbed to the siren song of knits that Colette patterns has been sounding of late.  The material on the left is so I can make a Moneta of my very own and, if the pattern is as simple and flattering as people say, I may make three more uniform dresses so I can have a new uniform this year.  The material on the right is for curtains for the bedroom window.  I bought them on sale at Lowe’s and I have plans to make them work better than they do now.  

And, of course, I bought material to make a roller shade for the door-with-window in my bedroom ages ago. The colorful fabric is from Ikea.  The border/backing fabric might look familiar to you, it’s the leftover fabric from the uniform project. I’ve layered the two together with a picture of said roller shade so you can get the effect.  The not-quite-blue curtains I purchased at Lowe’s will be integrated with the room by cutting out birds from the excess Ikea fabric (I have enough, I checked) and sewing them on triangles of the uniform fabric and sewing those on the curtains.  I also have plans to run a red ribbon across the curtains, (and possibly on the back of the shade?) to tie it into the red of the comforter.
As you can see, Sentinel is quite excited by this project.

4 thoughts on “Laurel finished. And my eye is already on other projects.”

  1. Ooooh I can't wait to see. I love that bright fabric. I also think that your laurels would look great with leggings. Then no dainty squatting would be necessary. I am so excited that the spare bedroom/S&S B&B Guest room will also be set up, during non B&B stays as a crafting music room. I am even going to get a peg board. Perhaps having my sewing machine and scrapbooking supplies permanently set up will lead to inspiration!!! I keep pinning all sorts of pegboard goodies. It will hopefully be completely realized by the time you come to visit. Soon, oh please, have a windfall, and come soon!

  2. Those are great birds.
    And I am currently wearing my favorite tank top, which is beginning to wear out and it occurred to me that perhaps I could try to make one to the same pattern. I haven't tried sewing clothes in ages; in fact I think the only things I ever made were a couple of A-line tank dresses. But you are maybe inspiring me. Except that I like sewing best when it's raining out. Hm.

  3. So the Laurel is a dress? It seems to be on the short side, but then I've grown very self conscious about wearing things that are short, so perhaps that's my own hang-ups talking.

    Sentinel seems like a great helper. 😉

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