In late November, the TriMet Riders Club email advertised TriMet’s Ugly Christmas Sweater.
“That’s not ugly,” I thought to myself, “That’s a thing of beauty.” Soon after, I ordered.

Then, time passed. I wondered if I actually had ordered the sweater because I received no email. But then! A delivery notification saying the sweater had been shipped from Portland and would be delivered on Saturday, December 9, by 9 p.m. Wonderful! Deliveries are usually earlier than that, so it might be here in time for Heidi and Kevin’s Christmas Party.
But no. The time came to depart for the party, and no sweater was to be seen. It also hadn’t been delivered by the time we got home.
The tracking went dead for a few days, until one morning when I was told it was out for delivery! In Indianapolis, Indiana. A city that is not Portland.
Over the next week and change it would also travel to Detroit, Seattle, and then back to Portland. It arrived on Friday, December 20. I didn’t get to wear it to square dancing, work (when people were there) or out and about, but I did get to wear it to the Snow Ball Chorale and Christmas.

Here I am at the Snow Ball Chorale, Low Bar Chorale’s Winter Concert.
I posted this photo on Instagram, and someone commented, “Is that the TriMet Christmas sweater???” So clearly it was worth the wait.
The Snow Ball Chorale was also not a smooth landing. I invited people, most couldn’t go, but friend Kelly said she could go and bought a ticket. Then I let a few days go by, and when I went to get my ticket, it was sold out! I volunteered to buy Kelly’s ticket off her, because I didn’t mind going alone. Instead, she gave it to me.
Terrible organizer fail. I had a good time, though. And I liked wearing my sweater.