Ice Cream at Grand Ole Creamery

Not ones to pass up an ice cream opportunity, we stopped at Grand Ole Creamery.  The portions were generous, to say the least.  IMG_3940

 President Obama visited just over a year ago and there was this delightful poster commemorating the event.
(Notice that Waldo is hiding right there.  We found another Waldo without trying)


 We also wandered by the St. Paul Curling Club.  You know, curling?  The sport that media is amused by every four years during the winter Olympics?  Despite being amused by it four years prior?

IMG_3939Anyway, if you want to learn, this is your place.

3 thoughts on “Ice Cream at Grand Ole Creamery”

  1. Such a load of ice cream. I mean when do I, Sara K., ever say, “This is too much ice cream!”? Will wonders never cease?!?

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