Humboldt County Fair!

Advantage to staying in Eureka instead of Crescent City? The Humbolt County Fair coincided with our visit. The Del Norte County Fair was the previous weekend.

To the fair we went!

After our hike and drive through the Avenue of the Giants, we started with some fair food. Matt got some Pad Thai and I got a street hot dog which I had to eat quickly because the stuff on it was making the bun get soggy, but it was quite delicious!

I love a good “any other vegetable” category

Waiting for the start of the Ukel Aliens concert.

The Ukel Aliens turned out to be rad. Someday I’m going to have enough time to be in a community band that plays and sings songs from my younger years.

Look at how much fun they are having! They sounded great too. The woman on the right is Spanky McFarlane who sang, among other things “Sunday Will Never be the Same” with Spanky and Our Gang. She was a guest singer.

Having enjoyed the Ukle Aliens, we headed into the 4-H barn to watch a bit of the pig judging. I love their 4-H uniforms.

This girl eventually sensed I was taking photos.

A picture of a cow is required for all fair visits with livestock shows. I love how pretty the animals look at the fair. And I know they do not look like that on a day-to-day basis.

Into the handmade goods, I found this quilt, which should probably be the eighth wonder of the world.

I’m quite curious as to how it’s maker came by all the crown royal bags. Just the 15 in the bottom row would be more than a lifetime’s consumption of the blended whisky for me. I stand in awe of this quilt.

Some good race car driving.

Then we discovered the Willamette Pie company, which is from our neck of the woods, but which we could not resist.

I got Marionberry pie a la mode, and Matt got an ice cream sandwich. I would have liked smaller portions. However, both items were delicious!

We attended a performance of Special Head. His website says that Special Head “is an Entertainer, specializing in Magic, Levitation, Music, and Performance art. ” (I question the capitalization in that sentence.)

We didn’t know who Special Head (the guy on the right) was, but free shows are fun. Partway through his act an “audience member” started heckling Special Head and eventually joined him on stage.

And eventually showed off his cowboy skills.

Special Head’s act was hampered by a light rain. A few tricks didn’t work because of it, but both performers played off the hitches in their routine as best they could, which made the comedy even funnier.

Although at one point, Special Head said to the cowboy guy, well, at least your mother thinks you are doing well.” And by “your mother” he meant me. Which was not exactly how I was picturing our age demographic breakdown.

Special Head eventually convinces the cowboy to help out with the routine and we get the head in a box.

Plus, this full-on levitation.

Because we arrived early to the Uke Aliens show, we had time to people watch. The girl on the left in the picture above, and her brother were talking with the cowboy about tricks. They both demonstrated to him that they new how to make a pebble disappear from their hand by tossing it behind them.

“Well, there’s a little more nuance than that, but that’s essentially it,” he told them.

Matt and I debated if the kids were also audience plants, or just people who glommed onto the show. I was on the glomming side, Matt was on the plant side.

Special Head and his cowboy friend were a great part of the Humboldt County Fair.

3 thoughts on “Humboldt County Fair!”

  1. I love getting your take on the Fair! I will say that having been to the Great Minnesota Get Together as my last fair outing – HC Fair was a little more relaxed (to say the least) and Pronto Pup free

    1. It’s interesting that there weren’t Pronto Pups. Did they expand to the east and west and not to the south? Is there a Pronto Pup band across the USA?

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