Hello From Future Me!

It’s me, your trusty blog author, writing from the far future of September 8, 2013.  Things are good here, but there are still no flying cars.  I’m here to tell you that the next month or so will be very busy, what with finishing up the uniform project and getting ready for school to start.  So this blog will be static for the next little while.  But that just means there will be a glut of catch-up posts in September.

Also, on September 8, you will change the format of the blog which will hopefully make it easier for people to comment.  That design you have now is sleek and everything, but I know you hate that it’s even hard for you, the blog author, to comment.  The new template will be much better, in that regard and also ORANGE!

So keep your head up.  There is much work to do.  But September 7 will be a very relaxing day.  Just keep breathing.

5 thoughts on “Hello From Future Me!”

  1. Breathing is good. I look forward to the catch up blogs. Still in awe with the sewing projects. A coat!! Oh my. I will keep breathing and ready myself for the fall and winter trip that starts for us in Oct. It was wonderful to see you this summer. KMS

  2. Thanks guys! Label cloud is "on the list". You know what that means. Sometime between now and the twelfth of never I will get that done. 🙂

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