Hardy kiwi flowering!

I can’t remember when I planted the hardy kiwi, but perhaps fall of 2009 or spring of 2010.  As I mentioned in this post, I was hoping for some kiwi, but mostly wanted green growth on the pergola.  I’ve gotten what I mostly wanted, for sure.  The kiwi looks great on the pergola and I love the way the front porch looks in general.

This is the first year I’ve seen it flower!  Both female plants put out a few flowers.  The male plant (the one in the middle) produced nothing.  So I’m guessing pollination is a no-go until that happens, if ever.IMG_5414

In looking at the photos from 2009, I’m surprised at how much the flowering plum tree has grown.  The porch was always shaded for most of the day, but now it’s shaded for much more of the day, which doesn’t bode well for kiwi production, even hardy kiwi production that doesn’t need as much sun.  Oh well.  The greenery is great!IMG_5415

3 thoughts on “Hardy kiwi flowering!”

  1. I had no idea that kiwi was a vine! My new fact for the day. 🙂 It’s quite lovely, fruit or no fruit. Personally, I’ve never been a big fan of kiwi because of all the little seeds.

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