I’ve always liked this cheery little house on Interstate, one block north of Killingsworth. I’m a fan of houses that have most of their yard in front of them. However the “zoned RH-D” sign in the front yard tells me this fellow is not long for this world. The shadow encroaching on the house is a multi-story mixed-use building of condos that went in a few years ago. Which means someone is going to want to put three or more townhouses on this lot.
What does "zoned RH-D" mean? I'm sorry to see that another cute house is going to go away. That's a bummer.
Again with the bad zoning. I just don't understand why Portland is letting this happen. It seems to me like a lot of charm is getting lost in the mix. And do the developers have to do something to give back to the city as part of their deal?
Well, actually it's good zoning. It's a major transit corridor and 50 feet from a Max stop, it makes sense to put multi-story mixed use apartment buildings along it. I just feel sad when the small houses go. But we've got 1 million more people coming and it's either this or sprawl.
I'm less enamored when they take down a perfectly good small house in a neighborhood and put up two huge houses with no yards, but again, density and people seem to want huge houses.