By double teaming on separate computers, Matt and I got appointments for both my mom and my Aunt Pat at the drive-through vaccination clinic at the airport. My Aunt Carol was willing to go to the main clinic at the Convention Center, so we secured her appointment last week, thus giving us the skills to grab the coveted drive-through clinic slots.
It was very easy to find the clinic at the Red Lot at the Portland airport, and we were guided into place by many people in reflective vests waving batons. There were five lines with maybe 30-60 cards in each line. This photo was taken at 2:41, though I think we got there at 2:00 . Once there, we sat. And sat.

After quite a while with nothing happening one line at a time was moved forward. This was taken at 3:36 and we haven’t yet made it into the tent to check in.

From the check-in tent, we were guided on a very long U-shaped track that inched forward. The check-in tent is in the back left of the photo and this photo was taken at 3:47, so you can see how the line was moving.

We’ve made it to the tent where the shot would be given! Time stamp: 4:09

And now we’re done with shots. Time stamp, 4:16 p.m.

It was nice to have two out of three people in the car vaccinated.

Then we were directed over to a new line where we sat for 10 minutes. Neither patient had any reactions, so off we drove.

I drove them both home and my mom sent me off with some macaroni and cheese balls with meatballs in the middle. Delicious!

We later learned that this was an unusual day and the worst day for wait times. So we had not-great timing in that realm. But it was good to get two shots in arms.