Dropcloth Sampler Schoolhouse Sampler

Finished! This one took a while. It had a lot going on.

Here’s the overview, and then a bunch of pictures of things that went well.

I think I did a great job with the color choices for this alphabet, and I was pleased with how the variegated cursive alphabet turned out, because I don’t love backstitch and also often variegated doesn’t look so good. But this did.

The different kind of arches around the edge were where I used up bits of thread.

You might not have guessed, but the name and date thing really held me up. I spent a lot of time sketching out what I wanted it to look like and that sketching involved rulers and a lot of math. Given all the prep, it looks a little wobbly. I do like my whipped backstitch frame, plus the chain stitch and green alphabet below it. The color contrast with the numbers turned out great. I don’t love that the number six was so small on the sampler. That makes me look like I couldn’t handle the six.

On the left side, are some fun variations. Given a chance to do this again, I would do all the right-side stuff before the left-side stuff. The left side involved a lot of thick thread and it made it hard to keep tension in the hoop once I got to the right side.

Good old French knots. Yet another way to use up bits of thread. I had to stop making them because the back was a tangled thicket I couldn’t get my needle through.

Having some fun with variegated perle cotton and that backstitch. Also the thick yarn and couching! Love it!

These wagon wheels were fun. Whipped backstitch. Those colors became the alphabet colors on the right-hand side.

The squares showed off different things to do with basic stitches. I liked how this zig zag ended up reminding me of a 70s sweater.

Variegated thread also worked out well here in this basket weave. And I thought I did a good job choosing the gray color to set off the colors. I also tried to do a different style border around all of the squares. This was an alternating running stitch.

Stripes! Another good use for bits and bobs.

Clouds was my favorite square and also rather thick when I finished it.

I like what I did with polka dots. French knots surrounded by different variegated thread in chain stitch. What I don’t like is that this square is not square. It’s not me! It’s designed that way.

Who doesn’t love a good chain stitch rainbow?

My pink/purple color palette came in handy for this one

I also thought I did a nice job choosing colors for the plaid box. Very 90s.

And here’s the back, for those who are interested.

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