May 2022. This is a post from the beginning of the pandemic. It’s been sitting in my draft folder for more than two years now. I am publishing it without revising, so please excuse its first-draft form.
I’ve been busy! Working, for one. I upped my unemployment work schedule and that means 8–9 hours per day. Which I’m happy to do. Those hours are spread between five things and I can switch them up. Plus, I’m not commuting to get to this work.
My five things:
- Look for a full time copyeditor office manager job (required as part of my unemployment claim. I’m going to see if I qualify for the small business program which will let me focus full time on my copyediting business.
- Keen Eye. I’m viewing this period as a really good opportunity to build up this business and I’m not going to waste it.
- Publishing reviews and lists, learning about my focus this quarter: beefing up my email list
- Revise the novel I’ve been querying.
- Keep writing the new novel
Last night after work there was happy hour (via Zoom) and then I dropped off a mask for my Aunt. By the time I was done with that it was after seven and I was hungry.
Tonight is Wednesday, which means it’s my movie watching night. I’m looking forward to that. But first! Digging two rows for the potatoes.