In thanks for the baby blanket I made for Baby M, I received this delightful card. It’s not only cute, it also features the blanket I knitted for the former baby M. It’s the top middle photo. Apparently the knitted blanket got a lot of use after the current baby M was born.
As you can see, the former baby M has grown quite a bit since 2013.
What a great postcard! And what cute kids! I’m so pleased that the recipient of your gift sent such a thoughtful thank you note.
THAT IS SO FABULOUS! I love the non-holiday card such as this! One of my friends has started sending Valentine cards instead of winter holiday ones. It’s the best! Such a fun surprise in the mail!
The thing that was key for the giver? It took no time at all. She may have put together the thing on her phone. Then they all arrived in the mail.
She didn’t actually mail it though, she handed it to me. That was too many steps.