She’s pretty much the winner of crazy hair day. (not that we ever have “winners” at my school).
Might I remind you the K/1 classes are studying birds?

I twisted my hair up into 12 individual twists making nobs on my head. But I forgot to take a picture. I was a bit horrified when–despite the lack of product and my completely dry hair–I had a huge head of hair when I pulled them out at the end of my day. My hair likes to follow orders.
Might I remind you the K/1 classes are studying birds?
I twisted my hair up into 12 individual twists making nobs on my head. But I forgot to take a picture. I was a bit horrified when–despite the lack of product and my completely dry hair–I had a huge head of hair when I pulled them out at the end of my day. My hair likes to follow orders.
Wow! My crazy hair day is usually just frizzing mine out and making it as big as possible. This 'do takes it to a whole new level.
I've also decided that people who work outside of schools need to have theme days as well. It would make their work experience just a little more fun! I dressed up for all of our spirit days this year! Mismatched day was likely my favorite! I want t little crazy. Though my character day as Madame Trelawny was pretty sweet!