Would you like to make dozens of people look up? Even while walking? If so, install, and then disassemble, a crane. Not only was I looking up while walking past this, so was everyone else I encountered.

Also, look at this! The wheels aren’t even on the ground! They are being held up by these hydraulic lifts that extend from the crane dissembler thing.
Also. This isn’t a fast process. When I walked by at before eight a.m. they had started and when I left at 4:30 they were still going.

Note from the future. When the quarantine happened in March, the street had still not been reopened. It was close, but hadn’t happened yet.
It is wild to think about the complexity of all this work. This is just one small component of the whole cycle of a building.
Had I known about project management when I was pursuing education, I would have made serious inquiries. I’m fascinated at the number of companies that need to come together to get a building built.