We completed the Gearheart page of our passport (and I finished one more activity on my old passport that got me a $20 gift card) and chose our prizes. Matt went for the silicone cup, I went for the key ring/bottle opener, because I believe it’s good to have a back stock of key rings.
On the way home we stopped in Astoria to do some Job Spotting. I enjoyed the humor in this sad sign.
Here are a bunch of container ships, lined up along the horizon. It was hard to tell if they were coming or going.
Timer photo!
While Seaside was chock full of hiring signs, Astoria didn’t have very many at all. My theory is that families come to Seaside for Spring Break, so they start their hiring earlier than other costal towns.
We also did some experimenting with how best to divide the hiring signs we saw. Job Spotter quickly caught on that we were together and despite switching up a lot of variables, we ended up deciding the best method would be to trade off. Even with the many rejected duplicates, we made more than $20 in Amazon credit between the two of us. In two days!
Hi friend!!!
I am avoiding work by saying hello. It has been awhile and I have been wanting to say HI HI! This is the last post in my feed – though I am guessing that there are some that have fallen off my feed.
Now to comment on your post. I love the piers – or the remnants of them. Too bad about your job finding…but still, $20 is nothing to sniff at! 🙂
Nice timer selfie, too.