City of Roses (aka The Northwood Apartments) from the back.

While the residents of that small house south of the development are probably pretty sad that four floors of people on the south side of the development can look into their back yard, their sadness might pale in comparison to the residents of these two houses, who have many windows looking upon them for all time.  (Or until either the houses or the apartment complex is torn down.)  I never saw the original City of Roses Motel, it was torn down before I moved to the neighborhood.  But I’m willing to be it was only one story, or perhaps two.  Until the build out of this new complex these houses had the sunset.  Now they’ve got some morning sun and that’s it.  IMG_4677

Incredibly small props go to the builders for including any parking at all.  Mostly they don’t.


I wonder what the going rate for one of these parking spots is?


I have emailed the leasing office, explaining I’ve been covering the building’s construction and would love to have a tour, but they have not replied.  So I suspect this will be it for my City of Roses posts.

One thought on “City of Roses (aka The Northwood Apartments) from the back.”

  1. Yeah, I have to say that if I were a homeowner, I’d be pretty pissed if a four story building went up that close to my property. Amongst other issues, that probably killed their resale value.

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