Chef’s Hut

Here it is!  My first place of employment.  I worked Saturday, trading off with another guy.  One week I would wash dishes, the next, wait tables.
It’s bigger now than it was in my time, where that ceiling beam is used to be the wall.  It’s also owned by a different person, Corky sold the place awhile back.  So it looks a bit different.
One of the new things is the fan in the door.  This is a good way to get air circulating to the kitchen.  Back in the day there was a refrigerator there.
Here’s the sign where the specials of the day used to be written. At the time, there was no website address on it.  One of the people who worked in the business park complex would come in regularly to do the lettering for the next round of specials.  He ate for free, lucky fellow.
I asked if I could stand behind the counter and they let me.

2 thoughts on “Chef’s Hut”

  1. I'm bummed that it is not the same. Of course, though I embrace personal change in my work and life DO NOT like changes to be made to my memories. I told Shawn that we cannot go back… 🙂

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