Category: Structures
Chartreuse stripes
Watching a crane on a block.
The most wonderful time of the year.
I ignore all the financial advice in books and have the government withhold more than they should to ensure I get a good refund. I know that I could do a savings program of my own, but quite frankly, interest rates are pretty much non-existent so it’s not like I’m losing much interest. And it’s just more fun to get a huge chunk of cash at once. I use it to put aside money for Christmas and the meat purchase and I buy big-ticket things I’ve been needing which usually means a pair of shoes. And then I buy big-ticket things I’ve been wanting. This year: Knife sharpening kit.
Watching a block returns.
If you are thinking of moving to Portland…
It’s time for the annual winter warning picture. If you can’t stand constant grey and rain for months on end. If you can’t stand rain so heavy it destroys the grass over the winter. If you can’t stand walking around in wet socks all day because your shoes have sprung a leak, then don’t, by all means, move to Portland.
In like a Lion
Yep-per. No snow all winter and then BAM! Snow on the first of March. I took this picture and then headed straight back to bed because we had a two-hour delay.
Paul and blue skies
Mississippi corner
Sunday Walk
I wanted to get out of the house today and the sun was also about, so on a walk I went. I stopped to take pictures of a lot/house I’ve always had my eye on. It’s been unoccupied for some time, and I suspect that it will be torn down soon and several houses will be built in its place. I had the idea to put a tiny house in this corner, rent out the bigger house and use the rest of the lot for an expansive garden, but I am lacking the capital to do any of those things. So here are some pictures instead.