Longtime readers with stellar memories may recall my love for the house that once stood on this lot. People who need to refresh their memories can click here. Indeed, the house is gone and holes are being dug for bigger houses and more of them. If only progress went in the way I wanted it to, namely more houses, but more tiny houses. And with permaculture landscapes.
Category: Structures
Rainy Block
Halloween in Kenton Walk
I found it interesting that my neighborhood, Kenton had many decorations for Halloween. When I crossed over into Arbor Lodge, Kenton’s fancier neighbor, there was nothing. Except these pumpkins.
Art Building
Watching a block stack up.
Update: Blue Lines.
Block update
Three sentence movie reviews: The Five-Year Engagement
We saw this for free and I had low expectations, but found it to be quite good and also a great example of modern couple dynamics (unlike say, He’s Just Not That Into You). However, it is a romantic comedy written by two men not interested in holding the romantic comedy genre sacred so there are a lot of f-bombs and the sex is quite real-world graphic in places, at least for a romantic comedy. That said, it was funny and interesting and very good all around and I think you should see it.*
*Assuming you are someone who does not find f-bombs, somewhat real-world graphic sex and the romantic comedy genre turned on its ear offensive. (In other words, it’s a NFS (not for Sara) production.)
ps. Mad Men fans. You MUST see this just because Alison Brie, the woman who plays Trudy Campbell is so incredibly awesome.
pps. Good date movie. Assuming both people in the couple meet the above qualifications.
poster from: http://www.impawards.com/2012/five_year_engagement.html