Postcards from Singapore and Russia

Here is a postcard of an ink and watercolour piece called “Cascade II[iii] from Chaomin who is a 21-year-old from China studying in Singapore.  She’s in Environmental Engineering.

The Russian postcard came with a beautiful envelope.  Less blurry pictures to follow.

Look at the stamps!  And the cancellations!

And the drawing on the front!

Here is the postcard from Nina.  I am the first Postcrossing person she sent a postcard to.  So exciting!  She is a teacher in a secondary school and she likes her work, reports that the school year will begin in two days.  Her favorite quote, which she wrote out and translated for me is:  You are rich when you don’t need anything, not when you have many things (much money).

It was a very cool mail day.

Postcard from Norway

This arrived after the naked hiker, but was written before.  It’s from Sara too.  She was loving Norway.
I experimented with trying to trick people in to thinking I’d been to the fjords myself by taking a picture of the postcard, but I’m working with a different camera (great sad story there, which I won’t tell now) so I couldn’t get a crisp shot.

Postcard from Norway

At least I think it’s from Norway.  Check in the comments, after Sara reads, there will be a yea or a nay posted to that query.

This is from Sara and is funny on many levels.  One: naked hiker.  Two: Sara picking it out and actually purchasing it from the clerk.  Three: oh, I’ll just let Sara tell it.
“How could I not send this to you!  You know I was embarrassed to purchase it and had a funny interaction with the Eastern European clerk.  The other funny thing is that this was just one of the almost ten version s of odd nudity in the woods/fjord/skiing, etc.  I hope you got a laugh.”

Yep-per.  I did indeed.