The building is getting smaller and smaller. In the previous post, this was the angle you could see the Zell Brothers sign.I like how it looks like someone took a bite out of this one.
It’s not too long until there is nothing left.
Category: All (-ish)
Three sentence movie reviews–In Bruges
A wholly uneven film. Despite excellent performances from Brendan Gleeson and Ralph Fiennes, as well as lovely views of Bruges, I didn’t like it. Sometimes funny and violence work for me (Fargo) and sometimes they don’t (this film.)
This was my mom’s choice for Mother’s Day. I think she has a crush on Colin Farrell.
Review of Persepolis: Story of Childhood
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood by Marjane Satrapi
My review
rating: 3 of 5 stars
Graphic novels aren’t really my medium. The boyfriend loves them and reads them all the time, but my habit of skimming doesn’t really lend itself to the graphic novel format. But, having seen and loved the movie, I thought I would read the first part of Satrapi’s story.
It was fine. Like I said, not my medium. I liked the movie better, as it contained all the things that were in the book, but with prettier art.
Three sentence movie reviews–Once
Some movies are like a boat you climb in and lazily float down the river. Like a successful meditation state, they inspire pleasant feelings and enjoyable moments. This is one of those movies and I highly recommend it.
Three sentence movie reviews–Gone, Baby, Gone.
This movie surprised me, and halfway in, I had no idea what direction it was headed. South Boston/Dorchester is beautifully filmed and Casey Affleck is entirely underrated as a leading man. I liked this so much I watched it again two days later.
Most excitingly, the bar at the end of the movie was right around the corner from where I used to live. I used to jog by it all the time. And that, is why South Boston and myself didn’t get along so well. Less time jogging, more time in the bars and they probably would have liked me better.
Review of the Hatbox Baby
The Hatbox Baby by Carrie Brown
My review
rating: 2 of 5 stars
Last month I loved the novel I read by Carrie Brown. This month, I wasn’t as enchanted. The story had some interesting points to it. I enjoyed learning about doctors in the 1930s who attempted to save preemie babies. The one in this novel had to have the infants in his care on display at world fairs and expositions. He used the proceeds to fund his research.
I enjoyed meeting several people involved with the World’s Fair in Chicago. Overall, the plot line was interesting, but nothing gelled. I never grew attached to any of the characters or their stories. I finished it, and that was the end of my relationship with that book.
Three sentence movie reviews–Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
Jason Segel seems to be a less raunchy member of the Apatow mafia, so this movie skews a tiny bit older than Superbad, or even Knocked Up’s adolescent humor. One of the things I enjoy about Apatow-influenced movies is that beneath their yucky boy-centric antics, they are willing to explore the feelings of the male species circa 2008. Still not a movie you want to take your grandmother to, but very enjoyable, especially Kristen Bell and Russell Brand.
Matt and I celebrated our sixth anniversary with a double feature of Iron Man and Forgetting Sara Marshall.
Three sentence movie reviews–Iron Man.
“But Robert Downey Jr. IS an alcoholic superhero!” exclaims my friend, and that is the true success behind this movie. Just as Soon I Will be Invincible is the perfect superhero novel, Iron Man is the perfect superhero movie. Funny, touching,–did I mention that Robert Downey Jr. is in it?–fast paced, and with lots of gadgets.
If I had one more sentence I would finish with “Well worth two hours of your time and $10.00 of your money.”
Atonement. Ian McEwan
Atonement: A Novel by Ian McEwan
My review
rating: 4 of 5 stars
I reserved this book from the library right after I saw the movie. Many other people had the same idea and I was number 198 of 198. I had avoided reading the book before I saw the movie because the whole “Booker Prize Winner” thing. I am a lazy reader and tend to stay away from Pulitzers,Bookers, and any other prize that screams “prestige”
That said, I was reminded that my attitude can keep me from some good books, of which this was one. I used to stridently side with “books” in the “movie version of the book” debate, but in my older years I have mellowed. Mostly if the movie people get the story right, I’m pretty happy. When there are changes to the story line I’m intrigued, rather than angry. Reading this book after seeing the movie was like getting a DVD extra. All the thought processes that weren’t able to be translated to the screen were there.
Atonement was gripping and eminently readable and I’m not ashamed to say I stayed home from work and read the entire thing in a day.
There are two kinds of people in this world. One kind sees a black eye and says “Oh my goodness, what happened to your eye?” while simultaneously thinking “Domestic Violence Victim!” The other kind sees a black eye and says “Awesome!” and gives a thumbs up.
There are a few of the second kind at my workplace and in other areas of my life. There are many, many, MANY of the first kind. Okay, I don’t know that all of them were thinking “Domestic Violence Victim” but I bet at least half were.It actually looks pretty good in this picture. It got much darker over the next few days. Oh my goodness what did happen to me? I had a meeting with my U-lock.
As I explained roughly 300 times: (Seriously. Most kids at school, plus their parents, plus other people equals roughly 300.) I was lifting my bike out of my brother’s truck and my U-lock fell off and hit me. It hurt briefly, but it was more painful to recount that story again and again and again.
When I went inside and grabbed ice for my eye, Matt became the first to ask the question. After I explained our conversation went thusly:
Matt: Sweetheart! People are going to think….
Me: I know what people are going to think.
It only becomes funnier when you know Matt’s vocation. He is a counselor for domestic violence abusers.
I think the amount of concern affected my health. I developed flu-like symptoms over the weekend and had to miss church. I was a bit relieved. It saved me 30 more times of telling the story.