An arch with text : News of the World

Catch up with News of the World

Tom Hanks and Helena Zengel in News of the World

News of the World

?Directed by Paul Greengrass?
?Written by Paul Greengrass and Luke Davies?

The review:

Tom Hanks does his Tom Hanks thing* as he plays a Civil War veteran eking out an existence as someone who travels from town to town to read the news. Helena Zengle meets his acting standard as the white girl raised by Indians who is supposed to be returned to her family.** This movie rolls along hitting all the tense and respite places and is a good way to spend a few hours.

The verdict: Good

Cost: $1.30 via Redbox (with discount)
Where watched: at mom’s house

Consider also watching:

Further sentences:

*It’s a good thing he has going.
**Most of her performance is nonverbal, which is impressive.


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Favorite IMDB trivia item:

This is the fifth time Tom Hanks has played a character with the rank of captain. News of the World (Capt. Jefferson Kyle Kidd), Greyhound (Capt. George Krause), Sully (Capt. Chelsey “Sully” Sullenberger), Captain Phillips (Capt. Richard Phillips), Saving Private Ryan (Capt. John Miller).

Other reviews of News of the World:

Orange background with a white frame. See all those words printed in a line one after the other? Put 'em all together and you have a story. See all those words printed in a line one after the other? Put 'em all together and you have a story. —News of the World. Read the three sentence movie review:

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