Our friend, Brooke Hogan is pursuing an acting career and was cast in the movie Breakup Season. It didn’t get a wide theatrical release, but it has been making the rounds. Today it came to the Hollywood Theatre.

Fun fact: the person sitting in that seat you see the back of was one of the cast members, Carly Stewart.
This was a great screening. Aside from Brooke and Carly Stewart (the daughter Liz) being local actors, the movie was filmed in La Grande, Oregon, and a lot of the crew was from Portland. The theater was full of friends and family and we had a great time watching.

Afterward, there was a Q&A with the two actors, the director, and the DP, one more person, and the interviewer. We learned fun facts, like the story of how the puzzle really got finished in time for its final shot.
Breakup Season is now available to rent, and is currently on Hoopla. I recommend it. It’s quite the funny movie.