Books read in May and June 1990

In the back of one of my journals are reviews of books read by me, written by my 15 year-old self.  I was clearly vacillating between the “greatest books everyone should read” list and the YA section of the library.

Here’s one page:

Salem’s Lot Stephen King
If you like vampires read this.  This also has about 40 characters and I could never remember who was who.  It was also very long. It didn’t hold my attention well. [3 stars]

Too Young to Die Lurlene McDaniel
Everything’s going great for Melissa until she gets cancer. [4 stars]

Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Stowe
This is possibly the worst piece of literature I have ever read. Harriet Beech Stowe writes as though she is talking to a two year old.  Bleech.  I couldn’t finish it. [1 star]

East of Eden. John Steinbeck
Good book. [4 stars] Too hard to give a summary on.  Too much happening.

Angel Dust Blues. Todd Strausser.
I like this guy.  He makes things seem so real.  About a rich kid who becomes a drug dealer.  And who gets caught. [4 stars]

One thought on “Books read in May and June 1990”

  1. I love this! I love that you were already Goodreads reviewing before such things existed. I know I have a review list from my huge summer of reading, somewhere. That was the summer I spent in North Dakota and my parents were so annoyed that I was reading all of the time. Annoyed because I never spoke or interacted with them. Which is funny, now, because it's really their fault that I grew up to be a reader! But I can imagine my teenage self being a bit anti-social while reading like a crazy woman. That was the year when I first read P & P and fell madly in love!

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