There were no farmers markets in Boise upon my last living there. So I wandered down to check out the one near my hotel.
These girls were selling play-doh which I found kind of genius. It also made me wonder just how much it costs to rent a stall at this Farmer’s Market.
This guy’s business was called “North End Lavender.” If only I liked lavender, I would have bought some.

My impression was that there were a lot more vendors of meat than the farmers markets I come across in Portland. Also, I bought some cheese curds that were flavored. They had many choices, but the one I went with was tomato basil. I found flavored cheese curds to be a very good food product idea.
My impression was that there were a lot more vendors of meat than the farmers markets I come across in Portland. Also, I bought some cheese curds that were flavored. They had many choices, but the one I went with was tomato basil. I found flavored cheese curds to be a very good food product idea.
I also bought some cherries for friends I was visiting and delicious raspberries. So good!
I have only been to the original "Saturday Market" further down. I was intrigued that we (yes, I couldn't help myself but use that pronoun for a hometown that is no longer my actual home) can support more than one.