My mother requested a buttermilk cake with caramel frosting for her birthday, so I followed the Better Homes and Gardens recipe she sent me and made her one. The frosting had to be boiled and then beaten with a wooden spoon for 8–10 minutes, so it was not a quick cake to make. The frosting was a bit worrisome also as it was fairly thick, but once it cooled a little, I could pick it up with my fingers and mold it to the cake. I also followed the instructions and ran a warm metal spatula over it to smooth everything out.

I ran out of frosting before I could write Happy Birthday on it. As labor intensive as this cake was, it was a very good final product and I really liked the caramel frosting.
It was the Rosetown Ramblers 40th Anniversary and we had a big dance. I made cookies to celebrate.

I made the Family Sugar Cookie recipe from Home is Where the Eggs Are. I like the idea of having a family sugar cookie recipe, but this is not the one for me. Yeh uses almond flour to achieve a soft cookie. I didn’t like the speckles it left in the cookies, and it also clung to my teeth in a way I didn’t like. This recipe wasn’t a keeper, but I was very pleased as to how the cookies turned out.