Big Bun and a bit more nostalgia driving

It’s a new sign, but still the same Big Bun.
You know what you get to do at Big Bun?  Wait in your car in the heat for your order. And though they are fast food, it gets pretty hot in the car. I eventually turned the air conditioning back on.
Sara got a scotch and soda.  I got a Fingersteak dinner, which is no longer the six dollars it was the last time I bought one.
My second job, my first job where I worked more than one day per week.
Site of where Wild Waters used to be.  I spent a summer (it may have been the final summer) there as a lifeguard.  Lifeguard at a water park is the dregs of the lifeguard world. If I get skin cancer on my nose, I’m blaming Wild Waters.
The Fingersteak dinner comes with cocktail sauce, fry sauce and a mint.
Look at this!  All one’s daily calories tidily packed into one meal, lacking any fruits, vegetables or fiber.  Of the starches, I love the toast the best, as you can tell by the fact I couldn’t wait to take the picture before I took a bite.

4 thoughts on “Big Bun and a bit more nostalgia driving”

  1. The sauces used to be house-made and the employees would put them in the plastic containers. Really, did I need the large? I probably drank about the same amount of calories that you ate in your meal! It was worth it to me to enjoy that taste of the past!

  2. You know, I know it doesn't have scotch in it, but as for what it does have in it, I have no idea. I'll ask Sara. They are her thing, not mine. Too sweet!

    Also, from the looks of the previews of the movie the To-Do List (written and directed by my classmate and coming out in late July) the Big Bun figures prominently as setting.

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