Almost like we don’t live in Portland

This winter thing is no joke this year.  We got a lot of snow.  So much snow, that had it not happened overnight, we would have broken records.

So much snow that the people on the corner could make this larger-than-people-size snowman.

And then, after they make this massive snowman, it snows another six inches.

Here’s what it looked like when I shoveled at 6am.  And it kept snowing.

The trees in the neighboring backyard were heavy with snow.

The backyard was covered.

Antares watched the snow fall.
And then that snow?  It stayed.

4 thoughts on “Almost like we don’t live in Portland”

  1. That is an excellent snowman! I think Antares had the right idea. Best to just stay inside somewhere warm and watch.

    1. Had this been the only snowstorm of the year, I would have been out rambling. But it was not our first ride on the snow-in-Portland machine, so I stayed indoors. And it stuck around for so long, I had plenty of time to navigate through it.

  2. AMAZING! Please see previous comments about the poor Minnesotans who WANT THEIR SNOW BACK BY GOLLY! DAMN YOU!

    I know you would have gladly sent it our way! Fun for a day but not the long run…

  3. My Collective Memory Work writing group is coming over in 25 minutes (we call ourselves the lasagna collective – for silly reasons but that makes it fun) and I don;t want to dig into my article yet. So more commenting fun…

    But I feel the need for a wee little nap…so away I go.

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