I spent a lovely morning walking on Mississippi Avenue looking for Help Wanted signs for Job Spotter. I found none on Mississippi. Maybe the stores there are too fancy for help wanted signs in the window? I also took some pictures. Here they are:
On the lower left, ghost stairs that are probably not long for this word given the pace of the development. You can see a new building that has gone up, looming over the original house. Will something else be built on its other side?
Some great side-of-building art.
Someone has repurposed a disco ball into a very large Victorian-style garden looking glass. That’s a really big disco ball. I wonder where it once was?
New construction happening where there once were ghost stairs. In fact, I have pictures of those ghost stairs. See them here.
I love this gate.
Here is some art embedded into the side of building with a QR code to go with it. I did not scan it, but you probably could.
Amen to this statement. @UnzippedPDX turns out to be two strippers who talk about whatever they want. Here’s a link.
I liked this oddly-shaped bumper–or back panel–sticker. The internet tells me it’s a famous line from Bob Dylan’s “Subterranean Homesick Blues” which also led to a discussion of if Bob Dylan coined the phrase.
Overall, this was a good day for a walk.
It does look like a lovely walk. I like that you (could) make money from your walk. The search for ghost stairs sounds like kind of a fun task. I love that you have a link to the other ghost stairs.