Postcards from Minneapolis

From Sara, in honor of our one-year anniversary of visiting this store together.  I’m pretty sure she chose this one because while we were in the store I stated, “Surely they don’t still make candy cigarettes!”  Sara thought they did.  And boy, was she right.

She also bought this postcard as an example of how horrible Jim’s Apple Farm’s postcards are.  Time for an upgrade!  Although they don’t have a website either.  So maybe that should be first.  Clearly they don’t need either one.  That place was packed.IMG_5796

This card Sara purchased while in Oregon, to send to me while we were both in Oregon.  However, it traveled back to with her, which meant more mail for me!IMG_5797

One thought on “Postcards from Minneapolis”

  1. Truly, the Apple Farm postcard is terrible. I’ve seen a lot of terrible old timey postcards in my grandparents’ collection, but that one wins, I think. Love the Portland one though.

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